20 Hilarious Tweets About Kids Being Savages That Catch Us Off Guard

Manda Garcia

When we were younger, no one had told us that parenting is all about raising savages. There are only a few days on which they are easy to deal with, while on other days, they continuously make us stop to think if they are really our children. They stress us out by ruining everything in our house, fighting with other kids, hurting themselves, asking too much, crying over random things, etc. The only way to survive those difficult times without going insane is to try our best to look at everything with a little humor. That humor may lie right there in everything children say to us. Much as pure and honest as they might seem, our savage kids often say disturbing things or unpredictably leave such sassy comments that blow our minds. Some parents have made them to Twitter so the whole Internet can laugh together.
We've compiled 20 funny times kids being savages that will take your stress away! Check them out and have a good laugh!

#1. She's got it right!

Kids Being SavagesSource: XplodingUnicorn

#2. A lawyer in the making

Kids Being SavagesSource: JennyPentland

#3. "It might make me better."

Kids Being SavagesSource: jaye_elle6

#4. That did not end the way you thought it would

Kids Being SavagesSource: TerryDwyerSyd

#5. "You need better friends."

Kids Being SavagesSource: XplodingUnicorn

#6. She has a point

Kids Being SavagesSource: XplodingUnicorn

#7. She's already a woman.

Kids Being SavagesSource: rcromwell4

#8. You have two options

Kids Being SavagesSource: Marlebean

#9. It never does sweetie... it never does.

Kids Being SavagesSource: ChrisBr59990913

#10. Well kids don't lie!

Kids Being SavagesSource: mompsychologist

#11. It burns

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#12. Oof, you're gonna have go apply burn cream to that.

Source: jeanette_gault

#13. "My dead skin cells fall on you all night.”

Source: fieldersdc

#14. "What's the matter mommy?"

Source: LaurenMeir


Source: madfishmonger

#16. This feeling will continue!

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#17. Don't fall for that!! It's a trap!

Source: XplodingUnicorn

#18. A little pig

Source: mackinnom_kari

#19. "I'm the one who sees them!"

Source: LaVidaAutistic

#20. Damn it hurts

Source: cheekyvervet

Here are more hilarious tweets about kids! Hope you enjoy reading!