Without Announcing, Taylor Swift Suddenly Released 7 Brand New Songs

Sunny Anderson

Taylor Swift is truly a "Mastermind." The singer, who recently released her 10th studio album, Midnights, kept the night owls up until the early hours of the morning with big news. She just released 7 brand new songs on the Midnight album.
Fans barely had time to get acquainted with the new album before Swift revealed seven more songs, which she is dubbing, "the 3 a.m. tracks."

"Surprise! I think of Midnights as a complete concept album, with those 13 songs forming a full picture of the intensities of that mystifying, mad hour. However! There were other songs we wrote on our journey to find that magic 13. I'm calling them 3am3 am tracks," she wrote in a post announcing the news. "Lately I've been loving the feeling of sharing more of our creative process with you as we do with From The Vault tracks. So it's 3 am and I'm giving them to you now."
Taylor Swift 7 new songs
The tracks — titled "The Great War," "Bigger Than The Whole Sky," "Paris," "High Infidelity," "Glitch," "Would've, Could've, Should've," and "Dear Reader" — are available to stream now.
Earlier, she just announced 13-track “Midnights” two months ago, calling it “the story of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life,” and “a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams.” 
But now we’ve got a total of 20 brand-new Taylor Swift songs which makes the fans go crazy. Here are their reactions: 

Read more: Taylor Swift Broke Spotify After Releasing The 'Midnight' Album
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