20 Colorful And Hilarious Comics By “Kevin McShane” That'll Satisfy Your Mind And Eyes

Leona Martinez

According to scientific studies, color is a kind of energy that can affect both the functions of our body as well as our mind and emotions. For example, when we see green, a calming atmosphere covers us because this color helps us relax and ease stress. Or, do you wonder why blue is chosen as the universal Color of Peace? The reason is that it promotes peace, patience, and trust.
So, why do I discuss color in the comic post? You know what? Color is one of the factors that make people more interested in comics. If an artist creates a comic strip with not only a colorful visual style but also fascinating stories, the comic will surely attract many fans. Meet Kevin McShane, who is such an artist. Today, he will bring his colorful and hilarious comics to boost your mind and emotion. Let's get it on!
Kevin McShane is a cartoonist as well as an animator. He likes cartoons so much that he drew himself in the style of more than 100 different cartoons over the last two years - which makes him widely known. Nowadays, people know him better through his Instagram page named "kmcshane" where he posts illustrations about his life with a parrot and other amusing stories. By creating such content along with iconic styles, Kevin's comics are instantly recognizable and appreciated by 56.5k followers on Instagram.
Without further ado, here are 20 colorful and funny comics by Kevin McShane. Hopefully, they will satisfy both your mind and eyes. Check them out unless you don't want to make your mood happy!

#1 Every freaking time!?

Source: kmcshane

#2 Makes no sense, and yet perfect sense

Source: kmcshane

#3 Stop smothering me

Source: kmcshane

#4 This hit me right in the feels

Source: kmcshane

#5 This felt like a punch in the face

Source: kmcshane

#6 Daily Affirmations

Source: kmcshane

#7 Take care today

Source: kmcshane

#8 Choose wisely

Source: kmcshane

#9 Chefs kiss

Source: kmcshane

#10 The First Week Of The New Year

Source: kmcshane

#11 ? Oh love it

Source: kmcshane

#12 Happy Thanksgiving

Source: kmcshane

#13 Om nom nom

Source: kmcshane

#14 Every January

Source: kmcshane

#15 I burn easy

Source: kmcshane

#16 Never get anything done on the weekend

Source: kmcshane

#17 You deserve a week off buddy, enjoy it!

Source: kmcshane

#18 Ads be like

Source: kmcshane

#19 So I'm not the only one obsessed with the number five, it is the perfect number

Source: kmcshane

#20 A little bathroom humor

Source: kmcshane