Petty revenge describes the actions of people getting disturbed and hurt while trying to pay back an equal physical or emotional damage that they have to receive. Petty revenge focuses on small details of the irritation and becomes an example of the idiom "an eye for an eye". Even though wise men said that revenge wasn't constructive and helpful, it has never ceased away from our world. It is hard to deny that revenge is the best tasteful flavor for furious souls.
We believe every knife has two blades. We won't make any judgment because cases are various and nobody can have clues about every conflict. However, some petty revenge can be a good source for relaxing and chilling since they are absolutely funny. Well, here they are.
#1. Who wants an update on this?
Source: roastmalone_
#2. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Source: l10barge
#3. New marketing campaign: get two meals for the price of revenge
#4. Heaven is drifting further
Source: da_drought_3
#5. Would Have Done The Same
Source: PoolSharkPete
#6. It shall work, hopefully.
Source: austinlockedup
#7. Bought his own way to revenge
Source: sehnaoui
#8. Save this for later
Source: brown__hijabii
#9. "The closer you get, the slower I go"
Source: monschleichs
#10. And cover it up with a really ugly painting
Source: gen3stang
#11. Grandma won't let it pass easily...
Source: boomboombetty
#12. Rude people shall taste the bitterness
Source: rnaryah
#13. Choose the tattoos, whisper to the artist "CHEATER, all caps, large font."
Source: _breyonnn
#14. And send the folder to the other lovers so they knew he was multitasking.
Source: sheecoulee
#15. Hear the pain!
Source: Megatronic13
#16. Mic drop moment
Source: littleredsays
#17. Pink, then yellow and green... Colors of revenge
Source: pm_me_your_severum
#18. "My Neighbor Keeps Vacuuming His Floor When I'm Sleeping At Night. I Started Vacuuming The Ceiling As He Sleeps At 3 AM"
Source: @DirectorMaxx
#19. "Don't cry, kid. And don't be like your mom!"
Source: Paul_Hawkins83
#20. Prefer just lowering and raising the volume
Source: MarketingBully_
#21. What Could Go Wrong With Blocking A Farmer's Gate To Save A Parking Fee?
Source: imgur
#22. No, she isn't petty. She just applied justice.
Source: rachel_speigel7
#23. He should have asked a friend to help
Source: karlousm
#24. Hopefully, the honker didn't have others queuing behind them
Source: exssardonyx
#25. Petty Times Call For Petty Measures
Source: iamnotanothermachine
#26. My Mate Told The Driver Of The Black Corsa Not To Park In The Company's Parking Space. He Gave My Mate Attitude And Ignorance. So My Mate Put Scaffold Up Around His Car
#27. Evil overlord vibes
Source: ceejoyner
#28. My two older children were trying to lay out all of their Pokémon cards, but the youngest kept intervening, so they duct-taped him to a chair.
Source: SavetheUnicornssss
#29. Very educational lesson
Source: jojomarshalll
#30. "No, you move out!"
Source: londonbreedann
#31. "To everyone at work that has been eating my the fun begins."
Source: u/slimjimi09
#32. Employees in a supermarket react to a customer that left the car in the middle of the parking lot, blocking the way
Source: u/velocifasor
#33. The simplest revenge always works best!
Source: tayloranthonyj
#34. My neighbor “allegedly” refused to pay the guy who cleared his backyard. He’ll be coming home to this gift left in his driveway.
Source: u/CalbertCorpse
#35. And the revenge on the son would be that mom doesn’t let him have any
Source: victorpopejr
It's time to pick your favorite stories. If you have similar memories you are willing to share, write them down in the comment section below after punching the like-share button and following us!