10 Cheeky Iron Man Quotes That Crown Him The Avenger’s Finest Comedian

Lucas Aquino

When Marvel Studios first announced their Iron Man project for the budding MCU, few would expect that the B-rated superhero from Marvel Comics would soon become one of the most iconic characters in the entire franchise. Robert Downey Jr.’s immense talent and his brilliant performance portraying the playboy philanthropist also make him one of the most sought-after actors in the industry. It feels like Downey Jr. is born for the role, as his carefree and witty demeanor fits the character of Tony Stark like a glove.

Throughout his 11-year journey with the MCU as the Man behind the Suit, Robert Downey Jr., as the charismatic Tony Stark, has been a crucial part of the Avengers, features in multiple MCU projects, and has three solo movies of his own. He also leaves behind many memorable quotes, some of which are outright hilarious that showcase his level of intelligence and unrivaled sense of humor. Let’s take a look at Iron Man’s most uproarious quotes and jokes in the MCU, to see how the universe badly needs a character like him again in the franchise.

#1. “I told you, I don’t want to join your super-secret boy band.”

Source: Marvel Studios

This witty sentence is spoken by Tony with Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man 2, when the then Avengers director wants to recruit him to be a part of his new superhero team. Tony, still in his younger phase back then, denies the proposal, as it would clash with his style of doing things alone, but of course, we all know what happens next.

#2. “Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?”

Source: Marvel Studios

Few would dare to provoke the God of Thunder, even the most powerful beings in the Nine Realms, but this is Tony Stark we’re talking about. After knocking Thor off his feet (quite literally) in their first encounter, the billionaire makes a snarky remark about the latter’s cape using Shakespeare-era English, and of course, the Odinson wasn’t too happy about it.

#3. “That man is playing Galaga. He thought we wouldn’t notice… but we did.”

Source: Marvel Studios

In fact, Tony is the only one in the room who notices that one S. H. I. E. L. D agent is busy playing video games in the corner of the room. This scene shows how perceptive Tony is, and it gets even better, when the agent resumes his boss battle after the Avengers leave the room.

#4. “It’s good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of how you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.”

Source: Marvel Studios

Imagine having the guts to tease the Incredible Hulk like that. Of course, we know that this is Tony in his reckless phase, and he eventually gets more mature as the Infinity Saga goes on.

#5. “Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.”

Source: Marvel Studios

When asked by Steve Rogers about who he is when taking off the suit, Tony Stark gives the most badass and nonchalant answer ever, and these four words alone pretty much sum up his whole character. Few people can reach the status that Tony has to be able to casually flex about himself like that.

#6. “Better clench up, Legolas.”

Source: Marvel Studios

Iron Man has such a way with words, and he appears to be a pretty cultured person as well. In this sentence, he compares Clint Barton to the legendary Legolas, who’s a renowned archer in The Lord of the Rings franchise, so in some way, this could be considered a compliment. And believe me, Tony doesn’t always give out compliments.

#7. “So you are this Spider-Ling? Crime-Fighting-Spider? Spider-Boy?”

Source: Marvel Studios

One of the first interactions between Tony Stark and Peter Parker is a rib-tickling one. The two’s friendship is one of the most wholesome in the MCU, as Tony sees the potential and the righteousness in Peter’s heart, while the latter looks up to the philanthropist as his mentor. When Tony sacrifices himself in Endgame, Peter is one of the people who struggles with his death the most.

#8. “Actually, he’s the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler.”

Source: Marvel Studios

How to tell everyone you’re the guy in charge without telling them you’re the guy in charge.

All jokes aside, while Cap acts like the leader of the Avengers, Tony also plays an equally crucial role, one of which is to fund everything under the sun for the team of misfits.

#9. “Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.”

Source: Marvel Studios

Iron Man’s first encounter with Doctor Strange was in a rather tense and bizarre situation. Tony clearly shows respect to the then Sorcerer Supreme, but also doesn’t forget to make some friendly banter here and there, even in such a dire situation. But hey, that’s the Iron Man that we all know and love!

#10. “Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?”

Source: Marvel Studios

Cheeky, snarky, and ambitious. Tony Stark is a greedy man, but he doesn’t shy away from acknowledging it. And he does have a point with this answer, as well. To be feared or to be respected is a question that every dictator must choose to lead their people, but Tony, in his own fashion, forges a new path.

Which do you think is the most hilarious Tony Stark quote? Let us know in the comment.