
15 Of The Most Unusual But Creative Innovations You Might Literally Fall For

Edison once said that everyone could be an inventor. Even if the change each person can make is small, it will set a brick for another to step up. Moreover, we now have the Internet as a worldwide media sharing network, so the speed of innovation will rise unlimitedly. It feels like a beautiful colorful stunning explosion of human creation.

Besides the modernization experts generate, internet users have introduced numerous unusual but creative innovations of devices and instruments that can help improve the original function. Social networks don't care if the innovators are amateurs or specialists. They make space for every variation and help it go viral if it deserves. Therefore, more people put effort into remodeling and updating daily-used items.

Below are fifteen most unusual yet creative innovations collected from the internet that we believe every looking-for-convenience person will love.

#1. This cat’s owner made a tiny driver’s license for its collar.

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © augustbutnotthemonth / Reddit

#2. Edible coffee cup made from oats and grains

unusual but creative innovationsSource: Str33twise84 / Reddit

#3. A clock that shows the time by using the shadow of the person who stands on the current month

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © cokiyioldu / Reddit

#4. This hexagonal graph paper for organic chemistry

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © woodruff42 / Reddit

#5. This keypad randomizes the numbers every time so someone doesn’t figure out the password from your hand movements.

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © celebi1023 / Reddit

#6. My grandparents’ clock measures time on a one-week scale instead of a 12-hour one.

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © creezewe / Reddit

#7. Hands-free way to drink

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © chelsiang / Instagram

#8. These batteries charge off USB-C

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © totalolage / Reddit

#9. I made a tall bike out of old bikes.

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © AlexKewl / Reddit

#10. This chair’s back legs are cut to allow its owner to sit on the stoop.

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © Lurker135 / Reddit

#11. Chairs at my new job have rollerblade wheels so we can roll quietly.

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © wideout3485 / Reddit

#12. McNuggets box with sauce holder

unusual but creative innovationsSource: © tomyan112 / Reddit

#13. Some grocery carts in Japan are designed to stack vertically to cut down on aisle congestion.

Source: © tananda7 / Reddit

#14. Accidentally created a camera obscura in my daughter’s bedroom.

Source: © theDWORF / Reddit

#15. This floor made out of pennies

Source: © igotadoctordog / Reddit

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