
Reddit Talks Over Passing A New Law For Pet Owners: Is It Finable To Unleash Pets While Driving?

We have to admit that we animal lovers enjoy traveling with our four-leg pals. They seem to rejoice a lot in a short trip. But before searching for animal-friendly places, we might have some problems with pet traveling that need to be carefully considered, such as how to drive safely with animals in the back seats or how to keep them convenient and calm during the trip.

Source: East Sacramento Veterinary Center (photo used for illustration)

A Reddit account u/SouthParkTaughtMe brought up the opinion: Drivers with pets insecure in their vehicles should be monetarily fined. The idea triggered a lively discussion on the hot subreddit r/unpopularopinion. The OP (original poster) assumed that the acts of unleashing the pets while driving were so dangerous and irresponsible that they should be banned by a new law on pet ownership. The OP also attached some tips in case people plan to travel with dogs.

Source: u/SouthParkTaughtMe

Source: u/SouthParkTaughtMe

There were various types of responses in the comment section. The majority of these comments agreed with the OP's recommendation. They thought he was reasonable. Therefore, they hoped new laws on this problem would soon be passed out.

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Some people proved their points by telling their experiences of pet-relating traffic accidents. In addition, they shared detailed methods of how to secure their pet in their vehicles. They estimated the prices of these pet traveling products not too expensive and unaffordable hence owners deserved penalties when they loosened the animals while driving.

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

However, not everyone appeared to be pleased with the suggestion, especially the ones with "well-trained" pets. They didn't find trouble or danger in driving with their good-behaving animals flexibly tied. It was pointless to stabilize the pets too tightly if people wished for a trip for their furballs to have fun. In case the pets became annoying, the owners would turn more distracted.

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

Source: r/unpopularopinion

In many countries, there were rules and laws on animal transportation. We should obey them and ensure that our furry friends have a safe trip. Here are some tips you should check before putting your pets in the vehicles. Firstly, schedule plenty of stops, such as going to the bathroom or burning some energy! Secondly, let's start with shorter journeys so they won't get motion sickness! Thirdly, don't feed while driving!
Instead, feed your pets at least three hours before your trip. Fourthly, don't let your pets hang out the window. It's not safe and will cause irritations for their eyes. It can dry them out and may also expose them to flying debris. Fifthly, let's not give them treats on the journey since they can choke while eating on the move. Last but not least, always have the air-conditioner on to keep the inside space well ventilated.
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