
Cringeworthy And Insane Things Mom Have Said On Facebook That Made Absolutely No Sense

Online groups for moms are nothing unfamiliar today. Those're the places where moms can ask for advice, share tips, or their parenting stories. And you know, every group has some members that are a bit weird and overall challenging to communicate with. Yes, moms are also humans. They can just be a bit off at times. But like, moms who are documented in this group are just 10x thousand times worse than you can ever imagine.
Not only do they have downright twisted ideas, but they also have the audacity to publish their thoughts to hundreds, thousands of others. Not all mothers are good mothers. And much less for the ones who appear in the list below. We have gathered a list of insane things moms have said on Facebook for your reading pleasure. Let's scroll down and see just how off these people are.

#1 Homeschool group comforting a mom who never taught her 14 year old the months of the year or his tables

Source: kookaburrasnest

#2 Maybe because that’s illegal

Source: JessicaMurawski

#3 It’s gross Karen. I’m also pretty certain it’s illegal to feed unsuspecting people your bodily fluids

Source: hilltophermit

#4 *Stares in CPS*

Source: Worldliness_Antique

#5 The comments are filled with her explaining the science behind it

Source: neveragain1006

#6 Y.....yes???

Source: GayAvenue

#7 Egg fast keto mom group

Source: wutangl4n

#8 Found in mom group as an entry for a “bow contest”

Source: Qualityhams

#9 Given to my daughter through a mom group

Source: heheardaboutthefart

#10 Err...what?

Source: violaging

#11 Popped up on my newsfeed...

Source: jeopardyjeopardyjeop

#12 Fck you and your privacy. I’m gonna show 53,000 people your picture and tell them you got your period today!

Source: slippinghalo13

#13 Yes, there’s live fish in there. Confirmed in her comments. I presume her “work from home with 25% travel” is her Essential Oils conferences

Source: jeromymanuel

#14 I don't have a problem with extended nursing, but omg still using months?

Source: coppersense

#15 Found this in the wild

Source: dreemiie

#16 I wonder why she can’t find another babysitter

Source: Adellx

#17 Guilt-tripping your 3 yo child into nursing is gross

Source: CapnSeabass

#18 "Disappointing and frustrating" YIKES

Source: sazydoll

#19 Who knew I wasn’t a real mom?

Source: Phantomkitty32

#20 Wearing a mask gave my daughter a 1 inch crack in her septum

Source: tiowinketp1982

#21 TL;DR Can anyone lend her some money so she can catch the bus to go steal gifts for her kid?

Source: cunningest_stunt

#22 Sketchy “possession” of child

Source: BunnyBunnyBunnies

#23 That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works...

Source: Snitchster

#24 All of our shoes stink, it's just the way it is!

Source: Mamsch

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