
What If You Were Captain Marvel, What Would You Have?

Whether Captain Marvel is the best superhero in the MCU still stirs up a controversial issue. Although her contribution to the Avenger is not as much as others, it is undeniable that her power and skills are top-notch in MCU. Especially in Avenger: End Game, Carol proves to be essential during the heroes' battle against Thanos. Though she doesn't have a lot of screentime in the fight, her contribution is significant to the Avengers' overall success as she destroyed the Sanctuary II.
It is understandable why the audience didn't consider Captain Marvel as the most admirable superhero due to her few appearances on the screen. But once she appears, she could shoulder lots of burdens for other Avengers. To have this level of power, he had to surpass various hardships. And have you ever wondered what if you were Captain Marvel? What could you have?

1. Powerful Cosmic Ability

Source: Marvel Studio

She possesses the power to produce and manipulate cosmic energies, which can do devastating damage even to an entire fleet and she converts it into her iconic photon blasts.

2. Speed Of Light

Source: Marvel Studio

Cosmic is a power that later comes to define her, allowing her to travel through space at the speed of light

3. A Kree Hybrid

Source: Marvel Studio

She receives a blood transfusion from Yon-Rogg, becoming a Kree hybrid. This massively increases her strength, speed, and endurance, even when she isn’t using her cosmic powers.

4. Pilot Skills

Source: Marvel Studio

She was a highly trained soldier Even before she gained superpowers. She joins the United States Air Force in spite of the misogynistic attitude during the 90s, pursuing her dream of becoming a pilot. She more than proves herself up to the task.

5. Translator Implant

Source: Marvel Studio

Carol is outfitted with a Kree suit and specific Kree technology, including a translator implant after joining the Kree. This chip is used quite commonly by alien races, allowing communication between species.

6. Determination

Source: Marvel Studio

She realizes the deception of the Kree, and the fact that her memories are deliberately sealed, just like her powers are during the course of Captain Marvel. She eventually confronts not only Yon-Rogg, whom she defeats with ease, but the Supreme Intelligence itself.

7.  Love From Goose

Source: Marvel Studio

Goose isn’t a cat at all, but rather, a Flerken, an incredibly dangerous alien creature and Carol was among the few people Goose liked.

8. Age Doesn't Affect Her

Source: Marvel Studio

Even after leaving out of the Kree and then accompanying the Skrulls in their quest to find a new home away from persecution, she returns with the summon of Nick Fury and still looks almost identical to the way she did when she left, suggesting that her aging may have slowed down, or even stopped altogether.

9. Overpower Thanos

nullSource: Marvel Studio

She stops Thanos from using the Gauntlet, proving to be superior in power and strength. When his attempt to headbutt her fails, Thanos resorts to punching her with the Power Stone. It is only then that Carol is knocked out.

10. A Superhero

Source: Marvel Studio

It is undeniable that Captain Marvel is one of the best superheroes in the universe. She is aware that the things happening on Earth happen everywhere, and many worlds don’t have heroes like the Avengers to support them.
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