
"The Batman" Star Zoë Kravitz Confirms Her Character's Bisexuality

Zoë Kravitz has just confirmed that her version of Selina Kyle / Catwoman in the DC film The Batman directed by Matt Reeves is inspired by the comics. And just like in the comics, the character is, in fact, identified as bisexual.

Source: Warner Bros. | DC Entertainment

During an interview with Pedestrian, when Kravitz was asked if that "baby" word pronounced at a precise moment in the film, addressed to the female character of Anika, was her confirmation, she the actress replied in the affirmative: "That’s definitely the way I interpreted that, that they had some kind of romantic relationship."
Director and co-writer Matt Reeves also shared the way The Batman handled this iconic character in the same interview, stating it's "very true to the character of Selina Kyle".
"She’s not yet Catwoman, but all the elements of how she’s going to become Catwoman are there," he said.

Source: DC Comics

"So I don’t think we meant to go directly in that way, but you can interpret it that way for sure," Reeves then added. "She has an intimacy with that character and it’s a tremendous and deep caring for that character, more so than a sexual thing, but there was meant to be quite an intimate relationship between them."
Though Catwoman is one of Bruce Wayne / Batman's most enduring love interests, the character turned out to be bisexual in 2015's Catwoman #39, written by Genevieve Valentine, illustrated by Garry Brown, colored by Lee Loughridge, and written by Travis Lanham. This was confirmed when Selina kissed Eiko Hasigawa, a Yakuza heiress who later became another Catwoman herself.

Source: DC Comics

Batman's latest live-action film starring Catwoman, The Dark Knight Rises (2012), preceded this revelation, so Kravitz will be the first actor to bring this comic book element to the big screen.
The Batman will hit theaters on March 4.
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