
Put A Pair Of Googly Eyes On Random Things, And They'll Surely Be 10x Times Funnier

Every once in a while, we should change the arrangement in our homes to refresh the space. I think it's nice. We all need something new to get the motivation and inspiration, and we should also do this at our workplaces. Well, it's the idea, but what if you don't have time or are too lazy to rearrange everything? Looks like some people have found a solution to this problem.
Here, you just need to put a pair of googly eyes on whatever thing you feel like, and it'll be much funnier. Eyes are the window to the soul. And even more, putting eyes on inanimate objects can make them look so... alive. A water fountain, a washing machine, a hole in the wall, a fruit... everything looks so lively, and of course 10x time funnier with just a pair of googly eyes. Simple, but very effective. And you can also save a lot of time and energy. So, let's scroll down and check out these funny pics of random things with googly eyes. Enjoy!

#1 Happy Hyundai!

Source: clark116

#2 I am Fire! I am Death!

Source: springmo

#3 Water fountain

Source: eyebombing

#4 Everyone should do this. LOL

Source: googlyeyesonmystuff

#5 My local pet store was vandalized

Source: Draegohn

#6 Happy to be at the orthodontist!

Source: eyebombing

#7 They fits

Source: googlyeyes

#8 That pie is sick

Source: rocketman0739

#9 Meet my fridge. His name is Chef

Source: banamana27

#10 Grater with personalities

Source: googlyeyesonmystuff

#11 The noble raptor

Source: dirthawker0

#12 My roommate was creeped out for a solid week

Source: quixophobe

#13 Don't cry, trashcan!

Source: eyebombing

#14 The puckered “mouth” of the chayote squash is just asking for googly eyes

Source: eyebombing

#15 Spotted at NC state, they looked horrified

Source: cheerwhiner

#16 You shouldn't drink that much

Source: Porjin

#17 Majestic lion!

Source: MikeTheStone

#18 It's the nose wiggle that gets me

Source: TerrorBite

#19 Giant eyes are the best birthday present I ever got

Source: NoxaVicis

#20 Whatcha doin'?

Source: billybird

#21 A less horror movie poster

Source: mindsfa

#22 Hello from the other side

Source: jdunham

#23 I don't think my coworker has noticed yet

Source: BernzSed

#24 This elephant is so furry

Source: Noerdy

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