
Poorly Executed Dad Jokes That Turn Out To Be Unexpectedly Funny

Until now, we believe that we have got enough of those "dad jokes" already. When the man of the family tries to be funny with their very classic jokes, other members are like: "Just laugh to encourage him." Those silly yet clever jokes are actually quite good. Even though sometimes the dads make them sound much sillier than needed, but it's okay. Laughing because it's funny or laughing because it's silly is equally good.
However, we have to admit that the best dad jokes ever are most likely the silliest ones, poorly executed by our home-comedians. And here, we have collected some of the best (worst) ones for you to enjoy. Dads are corny, indeed. And the way they prove it makes us laugh as hard as the jokes do. So now, scroll down and check out these hilarious dad jokes and have a good time.

#1 Stupid jokes are the best

Source: TheHatStore

#2 Good question

Source: ibxtoycat

#3 That's genius!

Source: famousamos_12

#4 LOL

Source: VicedRhino

#5 Have you got it?

Source: TerriIrwin

#6 So do we

Source: AnahataHearts

#7 Guttural noises

Source: AllieLia

#8 Oh c'mon

Source: threetimedaddy

#9 *head slap*

Source: imsorrytony


Source: adampacitti

#11 Hail Canadia!

Source: LakeSuperior

#12 The force is strong

Source: HamillHimself

#13 Every year

Source: OliBarrett

#14 This is gold

Source: RadioAmy

#15 Will they have Boatson or something like that?

Source: eraserheadbabby

#16 Took me a second

Source: KeithNHumphreys

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