
20 Comic Moments Prove That Deadpool Is The Most Hilarious Character You Have Ever Seen

Recently, there were 2 live-action Movies for Deadpool, guess what? Everyone loves those movies. With the brilliant acting skill of Ryan Reynolds, they portray perfectly the essence of Deadpool.
Deadpool has been a long-time favorite of many comic enthusiasts. The great thing about him is that he's acting like he just doesn't live in the comic. Deadpool just happens to hang around with comic characters for a bit. Rather than fighting for justice or innocence, he fights for fun. Deadpool wants to be a hero, like everyone else, but with severe mental issues, it's just impossible for him to take matters seriously. That is why we find his character really chill and absolute lunacy at the same time.
In this post, we will share with you some of the greatest moments in the history of the famous brain-dead mercenary who does not shut his mouth unless he's dead (which is never). And you definitely won't be disappointed because...well it's Deadpool.

#1 Ooh! Self-burn! Those are rare!

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#2 Chimichangas!!!

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#3 He's mocking Spiderman again

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#4 The trickster

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#5 That's just how he looks

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#6 Hardcore Starwars fan

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#7 Rather Over-compensator

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#8 Brilliant detective

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#9 Wolvie got no chill

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#10 This isn't a sitcom

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#11 Violence is love?

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#12 Love/hate with Spiderman

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#13 He always has a plan

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#14 He does that all the time

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#15 He really likes that girl

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#16 He knows Startrek stuff too

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#17 You got something in between your ears

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#18 He likes to annoy people

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#19 There are superheroes, villains... And there's Deadpool

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

#20 Nerds

Source: Deadpool / Marvel Comics

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