
Hilariously Accurate Tweets About Work That Shouldn't Be Read At Work

How do you think about your current job? Is it what you always want to do? Can it support your life and give you a promotional opportunity for your career? How about the working environment and your colleagues? If you can find a job that matches all your expectations, that's a total blessing. However, a dream job that can give you motivation every morning is not that easy to find.
Most people evaluate their jobs as so-so. There'll always be something at work that makes people feel unease. It can be the coworkers, the environment, or even the job itself. People are sharing hilariously accurate tweets about work, and we have collected some of the best ones for you in the list below. Scroll down to see those words of truth and have some good laughs. But make sure you're not reading these at work. Enjoy.


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: Ndeshi_M


Source: Fickle_Filly


Source: pinupteacher


Source: AskThePankazzzz


Source: KentWGraham


Source: Alllahdin


Source: gerryhallcomedy


Source: FussySaffa


Source: AndyAsAdjective


Source: InternetHippo


Source: MissMalbec


Source: Sarcasticsapien


Source: MarkAgee


Source: glenna_opt


Source: thatprairiegirl


Source: book_krazy


Source: KeetPotato


Source: intrinsiclutter


Source: K_blue

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