
10 Movies That Ignored Reality And Offered Us Incredibly Illogical Scenes

It’s not true that all plot holes will ruin movies in the eyes of viewers.However, these illogical inconsistencies certainly provide us with wrong knowledge.
It seems no matter how solid a script is, no movie is immune from having plot holes when scrutinized from every logical angle.
Some illogic details can make movies more appealing but sometimes, filmmakers muck up them so badly that we’re bound to raise our eyebrows. It’s hard to believe that iconic movies made by a team of genius people went ahead with these errors in dialogues and plot sequences. While viewers intentionally ignore these goofs, directors and producers joked about it when asked.
We've gathered some movies that are meant to be an escape from reality.

#1 The magic torch — The Mummy

Illogical ScenesSource: © The Mummy / Universal Pictures

We easily see an illogical detail. After activating a trap to damage the temple of Hamunaptra, the character Beni is trapped in a rather large room. When activated, all the light sources were put off and his torch became the only one. Instead of illuminating a small part of the room, it could light up the whole room.

#2 Michael “Flash” Myers — Halloween

Illogical ScenesSource: © Halloween / Compass International Pictures

Some viewers spot weird details that Michael seemingly owns a supernatural walking speed because no matter where Jamie is, he always manages to be one step behind her. Even though the protagonist moves by car and Myers doesn’t, he always knows where she is.

#3 Overly intuitive security systems — Jurassic Park

Illogical ScenesSource: © Jurassic Park / Universal Pictures 

To escape from the dreaded dinosaurs, Ariana Richards’ character operates the park’s security software. Many viewers wonder whether the system has a very good user design or is vulnerable to security breaches.

#4 Jack Sparrow’s supernatural luck — Pirates of the Caribbean

Illogical ScenesSource: © Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides / Walt Disney Pictures

While finding the chalices for a ritual, Jack Sparrow performs a dangerous maneuver, jumping off a cliff into a waterfall. In reality, it’s hard to survive in the circumstance but the pirate comes out of it without a scratch.

#5 The incredible endurance of the thieves — Home Alone

Source: © Home Alone / Twentieth Century Fox

All of us love Kevin and feel excited when seeing traps he made to confront two invaders. These invaders fall right into them and suffered serious injuries. Good thing this is a comedy, otherwise, all the blows the antagonists suffer would be enough to send them to the hospital.

#6 The largest ice reserve — Edward Scissorhands

Source: © Edward Scissorhands / Twentieth Century Fox

Source: © Edward Scissorhands / Twentieth Century Fox

After being rejected by the town, Edward returned to his abandoned mansion. In the final scene of the movie, the elderly Kim believes that Edward is still alive. It is snowing and before he came here, snow never exists in the village. It turns out that all the snow in town is coming from the residue of the ice sculptures Eward makes in the attic.
The confusing thing is that how many ice statuses he made to make them snow all over town.

#7 Old-school dental care — 10,000 BC

Illogical ScenesSource: © 10.000 B.C. / Warner Bros 

It’s hard to believe that people who barely knew to handle fire had a good dental health regimen.

#8 The inexhaustible battery — Jurassic World

Source: © Jurassic World / Universal Pictures

The children find an abandoned area that helps them escape from the dinosaur. There, they find a car and a battery. It’s a wonder that in such poor condition, the vehicle still operates well. The car miraculously starts, so the kids get a perfect getaway vehicle.

#9 Indestructible suspension — Fast & Furious 7

Source: © Fast & Furious 7 / Universal Pictures

Are you remember the scene where Dom and Paul Walker’s characters escape from a man who threatens to ruin their mission? It’s unbelievable that the chase takes place in a skyscraper. To escape the pursuit, Dom takes a risk, accelerating the vehicle to its maximum power to jump into the neighboring building. Incredibly, they succeeded. Of course, the performance is never done perfectly in reality because of the influence of the weight and the speed of the vehicle, and so on.

#10 Best movie costume ever — White Chicks

Source: © White Chicks / Revolution Studios

For a mission, the two FBI agents turn into girls. But, they are disguised, looking like not real people. However, no one notices the unusual thing.
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